
Welcome to these pages. Since winter 2023/24 they are part of my journey away from the monopolistic social media empires, and my renewed interest in blogging and owning the place where my words are crafted and shown.

Here is a list of the most recent posts:

  • What makes Facebook so useful?

    The tango network has been using Facebook for more than a decade, and many are using Facebook predominantly for their tango life, which doesn’t just include the dance as an activity, but also a great way to make friends, participate in community, or travel. Tango has been proven over and over again that it becomes…

  • “How will the transition work?”

    Last weekend this question came up at a milonga: If we move away from Facebook, how will that work? Certainly there would be a phase where we will need to be on Facebook still, while building the alternative? Of course, and it won’t be easy. Especially because we don’t yet really know if people (“everyone”)…

  • Getting our hands dirty

    Here are the current test setups for the “An alternative to facebook?” that I have set up:

  • An alternative to facebook?

    A few years ago (2015-ish) I started a Facebook group called “An Alternative to Facebook for the Tango Community“. It was meant to attract interested community members to explore what is out there and to contain ideas and evaluations of possible options. Facebook back then was quite good and still had graph search, and wasn’t…